Caution: uncheck this box if you are on a public computer (e.g. Hotel, Coffee Shop)
indicates a required answer
Please fill out one form for each graduate.
Student's Full Name
Age at graduation
Parents' names
Siblings' names
Mailing address
Phone number
Can we text you?
Parent(s) email
Student's email
I verify that said student is living at home under scriptural authority.
I verify that said student has been schooled according to Texas guidelines.
Graduates name as you want it to appear on diploma certificate
Name(s) of adult(s) signing graduates diploma as it is to appear on the cetificate. This will be limited to two names.
School name to appear on diploma
*Example: "Smith Homeschool", "Seed of Faith Academy" or just "Homeschool" etc...
Student’s height for cap and gown
Tshirt size
Suggested Christian song(s) for memory video
I understand that it is my responsibilty to make sure that I am receiving all correspondence regarding my graduates information; including but not limited to emails, Facebook group post and website posts.
I understand that in order to particpate in CACHE graduation ceromony I must adhere to the following. I must attend a mandatory meeting, complete all necessary paperwork and submit payment in full. I will also submit pictures, biographies, speeches and talents by there due dates.